Table 1 Molecular Characterization of the Classical Sickle Haplotypes Site 3′ ψβ HincII Aγ1 HindIII Gγ1 HindIII 5′ ε HincII Sequencea GTTGAC AAGCTT AAGCTT GTTGAC Range 5,260,457–5,260,462 5,269,799–5,269,804 5,274,717–5,274,722 5,291,563–5,291,567 rsID rs968857 rs28440105 rs2070972 rs3834466 Position (hg19) 5,260,458 5,269,799 5,274,717 5,291,563–5,291,564 Senegal + − + − Benin + − − − CAR − − + − Cameroon + + + − Arabian/Indian + − + + r2b 0.000 0.016 0.003 0.020 D′b −0.104 0.930 0.094 −0.853 Ancestral T C C G Status + − − − Derived C A A GT Status − + + + a Underlining indicates the polymorphic position. b Pairwise linkage disequilibrium values are shown with respect to rs334.