Our unmatched analysis suggests that redo-OPCAB is associated with reduced composite end-point and similar 10-year survival when compared with redo-CABG. In this analysis, the effect size of redo-OPCAB appears marked for mortality and need for IABP that were 3 times more common in the redo-CABG group. Our propensity score-Matched Analysis A (any cardiac procedure as primary operation) showed no differences in early composite end-point (21 vs 15%) and 10-year survival (65.1 vs 60.8%) between redo-CABG and redo-OPCAB, respectively. Conversely, the propensity score-Matched Analysis B (isolated coronary surgery as primary operation) showed a reduction in the early composite end-point by >50% (19 vs 8%), with marked difference in mortality (5 times lower—5 vs 0%, P = 0.13) and severe LCO needing IABP (4.5 times lower—11 vs 2%, P = 0.02), both favouring redo-OPCAB; 10-year survival was similar to redo-CABG (71.6% vs 71.7%), respectively.