Quantitative Analysis of Hippocampal CA1 Neuron Damage At least five animals in each group were assessed for neuronal injury. Six to nine sections with typical hippocampal structures in each animal were photographed under a microscope (Leica, CTR 6000) using 10× objective with 10× eyepiece field. The degree of neuronal damage in the CA1 area was evaluated based on extent of neuron death (Pulsinelli and Brierley, 1979); level 0 (no damage), level 0.5 (<10%), level 1.0 (10%–30%, mild damage), level 1.5 (30%–50%, mild-to-moderate damage), level 2.0 (50%–70%, moderate damage), level 2.5 (70%–90%, moderate-to-severe damage) and level 3.0 (>90%, severe damage). The original quantitative data was analyzed with StatView 5.1 software. Differences were considered significant when p < 0.05.