Analysis of programmed cell death and involvement of macrophages in the removal of apoptotic cells in wild-type and Ptdsr -/-embryos. (a) Whole-mount TUNEL staining (blue) of limb buds from wild-type and Ptdsr -/- embryos at E13.5 show no differences in the amount or localization of apoptotic cells during the beginning regression of the interdigital web. Serial sagittal sections stained for activated caspase 3 (aCasp3; red) in (b-d) wild-type and (f-h) Ptdsr -/- embryos at E12.5 show apoptotic cells in the neural tube (b,f), the mesonephros (c,g) and the developing paravertebral ganglia (d,h). Tissue distribution and total number of apoptotic cells was indistinguishable between genotypes and was confirmed by the comparison of consecutive sections of wild-type and Ptdsr -/-embryos from different developmental stages. Analysis of macrophage numbers and location by F4/80 staining (brown) of consecutive sections in paravertebral ganglia of (e) wild-type and (i) homozygous mutant embryos revealed that macrophages (arrows) are not located close to apoptotic cells during embryonic development. (For comparison, see also Additional data file 1, Figure S1, with the online version of this article). Scale bar, 100 μm.