Plasmid constructs The GFP-LPP construct was described before [11]. A construct expressing Xpress-hScrib-mito was made by cloning the coding region of human Scrib with a mutated stop codon in the pcDNA3.1/His vector (Life Technologies) followed by inserting a DNA fragment encoding the membrane anchor of ActA (LILAMLAIGVFSLGAFIKIIQLRKNN; a kind gift of Evelyne Friederich, Centre de Recherche Public-Santé, Luxembourg) behind the mutated stop codon. All amino acid changes in Scrib and LPP were made, using the QuikChange™ Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Stratagene) according to the supplier's protocols. All synthetic mutations, ligation sites and PCR-amplified regions were verified by sequencing. Protein expression was checked by Western blotting.