PMC:546184 / 17494-18650 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"NEUROSES","denotations":[{"id":"T312","span":{"begin":227,"end":237},"obj":"PATO_0001470"},{"id":"T313","span":{"begin":283,"end":288},"obj":"CHEBI_24433"},{"id":"T314","span":{"begin":380,"end":386},"obj":"PATO_0000128"},{"id":"T315","span":{"begin":447,"end":450},"obj":"CHEBI_84123"},{"id":"T316","span":{"begin":447,"end":450},"obj":"PATO_0000011"},{"id":"T317","span":{"begin":465,"end":468},"obj":"CHEBI_52027"},{"id":"T318","span":{"begin":976,"end":981},"obj":"PATO_0000587"}],"text":"Patient characteristics\nBaseline patient demographics are summarized in Table 2. The prevalence of melancholic features in the overall patient population was 67.1% (1572/2342). The melancholic cohort had a significantly higher proportion of females compared with the non-melancholic group (69.5% vs. 60.8%, p \u003c .001). Melancholic patients also had a significantly lower mean body weight than non-melancholics (77.7 kg vs. 81.3 kg, p \u003c .001). Mean age at enrollment did not differ significantly between melancholic and non-melancholic patients.\nMean baseline HAMD17 total scores and CGI-S scores were significantly higher (more severe illness) in melancholic patients compared with non-melancholics (HAMD17: 22.3 vs. 20.5, p \u003c .001; CGI-S: 4.41 vs. 4.26, p \u003c .001). There was a marginally significant difference in VAS overall pain severity at baseline (31.7 vs. 31.0 for melancholic and non-melancholic groups, respectively; p = .053), although the clinical relevance of this small difference is questionable.\nTable 2 Baseline demographics and illness severity (all studies)† † Includes patients from paroxetine and fluoxetine treatment arms (N = 429).\n\n"}