Study Population Fifty-six cats were screened to participate in the study. Of the 56 cats, 4 did not meet the initial pre-diagnostic inclusion criteria. On day 0, 52 cats were randomized to 1 of the 2 study diets, of which 17 were found to either violate the inclusion or meet the exclusion criteria based on the results of the diagnostic screening. Seven cats dropped out of the study prior to the day 28 visit. Reasons for dropping out included unwillingness to eat the diet in four cats (two cats fed Diet A and two cats fed Diet B), withdrawn by owner due to continued diarrhea in two cats (one fed Diet A for 1 day and one fed Diet B for 4 days), and one owner declined to participate following screening for one cat. The final study population of 28 cats included 13 cats fed Diet A and 15 cats fed Diet B. One of the cats in the Diet A group was inadvertently given the wrong diet after 2 weeks; therefore, data for this cat were included for only the first 2 weeks of the feeding period.