IMGT/GENE-DB ENTRY An individual IMGT/GENE-DB entry provides a full characterization of a gene and of its alleles: IMGT name and definition, chromosomal localization, number of alleles, IMGT reference alleles and other sequences from the literature (as defined in IMGT Gene tables), and for each sequence, allele functionality, clone name, accession number, molecule type. The IMGT/GENE-DB entry gives also access (i) to the IMGT/GENE-DB allele reference sequences in FASTA format [nucleotide and amino acid sequences with gaps according to the IMGT unique numbering (14–16), or without gaps], (ii) to the IMGT Repertoire standardized resources (Chromosomal localization, Locus representation, Tables of alleles, Alignments of alleles, IMGT Protein displays, IMGT Colliers de Perles, etc.) via internal links (‘Locus and genes’, ‘Proteins and alleles’, ‘2D and 3D structures’, ‘Probes and RFLP’, ‘Gene regulation and expression’, ‘Genes and clinical entities’ sections), (iii) to the known IMGT/LIGM-DB cDNA sequences of the gene with a direct IMGT/LIGM-DB query, which then allows the choice of the nine different IMGT/LIGM-DB displays including IMGT/V-QUEST results (17,18), (iv) to the IMGT tools for genome analysis (IMGT/GeneSearch, IMGT/GeneView, IMGT/LocusView, IMGT/GeneInfo) (3,5,19), and (v) to the external links on genome databases LocusLink and Entrez Gene at NCBI, GDB, GeneCards (20), OMIM, MGD (21), sequence databases EMBL (22)/GenBank (23)/DDBJ (24) and nomenclature database HGNC Genenew (11).