IMGT/GENE-DB RESULT PAGE Following a ‘GENERAL CRITERIA’ or a ‘SHORT CUT’ selection, the IMGT/GENE-DB result page (Figure 2) shows, at the top, the user selection, the number of resulting genes and the number of resulting alleles, then the list of resulting genes with, for each gene, the species, IMGT gene name, gene functionality, IMGT gene definition, number of alleles, chromosomal localization and IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequence(s) for the allele *01 (Figure 2). In the ‘Choose your display’ section, the user can select between three types of display: (i) the complete individual IMGT/GENE-DB entries for the genes selected in the list of resulting genes (an IMGT/GENE-DB entry is described in the next paragraph); (ii) the IMGT/GENE-DB allele reference sequences in FASTA format: nucleotide or amino acid sequences, either with gaps according to the IMGT unique numbering (14–16), or without gaps; (iii) the IMGT label sequences in FASTA format, extracted from expertly annotated IMGT/LIGM-DB reference sequences. This allows to retrieve any label sequence (V-EXON, V-HEPTAMER, etc.), the core regions of out-of-frame pseudogenes, which are not available in the IMGT/GENE-DB allele reference sequences, and the artificially spliced L-PART1+L-PART2 and L-PART1+V-EXON. For nucleotide sequences, the user has the possibility to extend the limits in 5′ or 3′ by typing the number of nucleotides of one's choice.