FUTURE DEVELOPMENT We are currently implementing a BLAST functionality that will enable users to query A.gossypii genes or gene products against the S.cerevisiae genome. At a later stage, this feature will include the genomes of other species as well. In addition, we plan to provide a two-way interactive synteny viewer that displays the chromosomal organization of loci from A.gossypii together with their counterparts from budding yeast. Future releases of AGD will contain a number of additional features including non-coding RNAs and GeneOntology assignments to improve annotation and query options. High-density oligonucleotide microarrays covering the entire genome will become available in the foreseeable future, and it is therefore our intention to extend the database's functionalities to cover high-throughput expression data. Finally, results from large-scale gene deletion studies produced by functional genomics will also be incorporated and information on BAC clones and plasmids containing A.gossypii genes will be made available.