In wild-type CbCln3 neuronal precursor cells battenin primarily co-localizes with early and late endosomes. Battenin immunostaining in homozygous CbCln3Δex7/8 neuronal precursors is significantly reduced in abundance, but mutant signal also co-localizes with endosomal markers suggesting mutant battenin protein with C-terminal epitopes is trafficked similar to wild-type protein. In other studies, CLN3/battenin protein localization has been reported to partially overlap with late endosomes and lysosomes in non-neuronal cells [7], and to lysosomes, synaptosomes [8] and endosomes [9,25] in neurons. These data jointly indicate that battenin resides in a subset of vesicular compartments linking multiple membrane trafficking pathways, perhaps functioning in vesicular transport and/or fusion. Endocytic and lysosomal-targeted pathways, including mitochondrial autophagy, are specifically implicated in this study.