Previously, we discovered that early during hair follicle morphogenesis, E-cadherin gene expression is down-regulated concomitantly with the invagination of developing bud cells into the skin [4]. Because the timing of this event correlated with the activation of a LEF-1/β-catenin transcription factor complex [20], we were intrigued by the presence of a putative LEF-1/TCF binding site in the E-cadherin promoter. This prompted an investigation that subsequently led to our discovery that LEF-1/β-catenin can contribute to repression of E-cadherin gene expression in skin keratinocytes [4]. In the course of these studies, we also noted that Snail can also contribute to this process in keratinocytes in vitro, and our present studies revealed that Snail is expressed at the right place and time to be physiologically relevant in the process.