nto the six concentric layers of the mature follicle. Previously, we delineated how two respective epithelial and mesenchymal signals, Wnts and the BMP-inhibitory factor noggin, function in concert to induce lymphoid enhancer factor-1/β-catenin (LEF-1/β-catenin)-mediated gene transcription within the follicle placode [4]. The downstream changes elicited through convergence of these two early signaling pathways include down-regulation of the gene encoding E-cadherin, the prototypical epithelial cadherin that forms the transmembrane core of intercellular adherens junctions (AJs) [5]. We subsequently showed that when E-cadherin is transgenically elevated in mouse skin, hair follicle morphogenesis is blocked, suggesting that E-cadherin down-regulation is a critical event in governing the adhesion dynamics necessary for budding morphogenesis [4]. Like LEF-1, E-cadherin also binds to β-catenin. At sites of cell-cell contact, however, E-cadherin-β-catenin complexes recruit α-catenin, which in turn coordinates the associated actin polymerization dynamics necessary to stabilize nascent AJs and integrate the cytoskeleton across an epithelial sheet [6,7,8]. α-Catenin also binds to the class III Lin-1, Isl-1, Mec-3 (LIM) protein Ajuba (a member of the zyxin family of proteins), which appears to function dually in both adhesion and in activation of the Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway [9,10]. Through these links, AJs appear able to couple adhesion with cytoskeletal dynamics as well as with nuclear and cytoplasmic signaling. This provides a framework for conceptualizing why E-cadherin levels appear to impact upon a plethora of developmental processes (reviewed in [11]). As we probed more deeply into the underlying mechanisms governing E-cadherin promoter activity, we were intrigued by the close proximity of the LEF-1/β-catenin binding site to a site known to bind the Snail/Slug family of zinc finger transcriptional repressor proteins [12,13,14