Figure 5 Bmpr1a Is Required to Maintain Expression of ECM Components in Articular Cartilage In situ hybridization or LACZ staining on near adjacent sections of metacarpal-phalangeal joints (A–C and F–H) and the tarsal 2-metatarsal II joint (D–E and I–J) of P0 mice. At birth, articular cartilage of controls (A–E) and mutants (F–J) appears similar by Safranin O staining (A and F), and Col2 expression (B, G). Mat4 expression confirms that articular cartilage is initially specified in mutants (D andI, brackets). LACZ expression confirms Cre-mediated recombination has occurred in articular cartilage (C, H, E, and J). (K–T) Near adjacent sections of the metacarpal-phalangeal joints of P14 mice. Two weeks after birth, articular cartilage of controls stains with pericellular Safranin O (orange staining, K), and expresses Col2 (L), Agg (M), and SOX9 (N). In contrast, mutant articular cells are smaller and more densely packed, lack pericellular Safranin O staining (P), have reduced expression of Col2 (Q) and Agg (R), but retain normal levels of SOX9 protein (S, brackets; dashed line marks faint edges of articular surfaces). LACZ expression confirms Cre-mediated recombination has occurred in articular cells (O ansd T, brackets). (A and K) Scale bar = 75 μm.