Lastly, SNP markers that explained more than 0.1% of the proportion of genetic variance for CAR on Omy27, 17, and 9, and harboring or neighboring genes from the same genome scaffold (Berthelot et al., 2014) are listed in Table 5. No major QTL was detected for this trait. An extended list of all the SNP markers is provided in Table S6. From the 60 SNP markers identified by wssGWAS, only 18 explained a proportion equal to or greater than 0.1%, of which 10 were in a gene (exon or intron). Four of the 18 SNPs were located in scaffold_173; one was in the exon of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 variant 1, and three were near this gene and near the histone h2b 1 2-like gene. One of the SNPs was mapped to the Calsyntenin-1-like isoform x2 intron region in scaffold_516 that also affected FY and FW.