Table 3 Amino acid replacements due to somatic mutation of germline AGY Ser codons.a Contact mutations at AGYb % of all contact mutationsc Human Mouse Human (%) Mouse (%) Arg 4 7 5.55 6.73 Asn 5 9 6.94 8.65 Gly 0 1 0 0.96 Thr 6 5 8.33 4.81 Others 15 8 20.83 7.69 aData from 26 human and 46 mouse crystal structures of Ag–Ab complexes. bV-region contact residues arising from SHM of AGY Ser codons. Numbers expressed in absolute numbers. Total contact residues analyzed were 317 (human) and 886 (mouse). Total contact residues that were associated with SHM of a V-region codon were 72 (human) and 104 (mouse). cPercentage of total somatically generated contacts residues that arose from mutation of AGY Ser codons.