Calculation of odd ratio for Numt insertion loci To calculate the relative abundance of each genomic feature, we gathered the length information of the categories, such as gene, coding sequence (CDS), exon, pseudogene, and noncoding RNA (ncRNA) (tRNA, rRNA, and long non-coding RNA [lncRNA]), from the gene annotation files of each species (gff3 format). The total length of exons and introns included only the protein-coding genes. The total length of introns was computed by subtracting the total exon length from the sum of all gene lengths. With all of the length information, we estimated the portion of each feature by dividing the total length of each feature (Si) by each whole-genome length (G). The relative abundance (RAi) of each feature was then calculated as follows: RAi = Ci / (Si/G), where Ci is the count of the genic feature i in a species.