In order to compare the effect of variance stabilization methods on specificity, sensitivity, precision, and accuracy, we use the following procedure:Procedure:  Performance evaluation Input:  {A1,⋯,An} , a set of n actual kinome arrays nd, the maximum number of differentially phosphorylated peptides on each pair of arrays T, the threshold value for significant fold-change θ, percentage of noisy peptides α, a significance level n′, number of synthesized arrays (n′≤n) Output:  Calculated value of specificity, sensitivity, accuracy, and precision for each pair of inter-array technical replicates, and for each normalization method Step 1:  For each q, where 1≤q≤n′, do Step 2 through Step 8: Step 2:  Using Algorithm 1, create an inter-array technical replicate Yq, where Yq is an inter-array technical replicate for Aq, considering {A1,⋯,An}, T, θ and α. Step 3:  Phosphorylate a random subset of peptides on Yq using Algorithm 2, considering {A1,⋯,An}, Aq, T, and α; exclude peptides that cannot be differentially phosphorylated by Algorithm 2 from the random subset and record the differentially phosphorylated peptides regardless of their fold-change direction in a set Pq; name the output as Yq′. Step 4:  For each normalization method do steps 5 to 8. Step 5:  Normalize the pair (Aq,Yq′), and denote the normalized array pair (Aq*,Yq*). Step 6:  For the pair (Aq*,Yq*) detect the phosphorylated peptides and save them in a set Fq. Step 7:  Calculate true positive (TPq), false positive (FPq), true negative (TNq), and false negative (FNq) sets as follows: TPq=Pq∩FqFPq=(Nq−Pq)∩FqTNq=(Nq−Pq)∩(Nq−Fq)FNq=(Pq)∩(Nq−Fq) where Nq is the set of all peptides on array Yq. Step 8:  Using TPq, FPq, TNq, and FNq, calculate specificity, sensitivity, accuracy, and precision.