To generate synthesized arrays with known differentially phosphorylated peptides, we need a procedure to artificially phosphorylate or dephosphorylate a predetermined subset of peptides on an array. Here we propose a procedure to do this to array Y, which is an inter-array technical replicate of X, producing Y′. The procedure is described in technical detail in Algorithm 2 as the basis for rapid implementation. Algorithm 2 Artificial Phosphorylation/Dephosphorylation  Input:A={A1,⋯,An}, X, Y, peptideIndex, phosphorylated, T, α  Output: Y′  Create measurement repository set R R=ri,j∣1≤i≤n,1≤j≤mri,j={pi,j,k∣1≤k≤l}  where ri,j is the set of all intra-array replicates of the jth peptide of Ai  Y′← a copy of Y  q←1  while (q≤ length(peptideIndex)) do   t←peptideIndex[q]   abct←∑k=1lFxt,k−Bxt,kl   if abct≤0 then    v=abctT    w=abct×T   else    v=T×abct    w=abctT   end if   if (phosphorylated[t] =1) then    if (there is a ri,j∈R where the mean of ri,j is statistically bigger than v, considering a significance level of α) then     yt′←ri,j    else     Report tth peptide as a non-differentially phosphorylated peptide    end if   else    if (there is a ri,j∈R where the mean of ri,j is statistically less than w, considering a significance level of α) then     yt′←ri,j    else     Report tth peptide as a non-differentially phosphorylated peptide    end if   end if   q←q+1  end while  return Y′