Input: {A1,⋯,An}, X, T, θ, α Output: Y Create measurement repository set R from {A1,⋯,An} R=ri,j∣1≤i≤n,1≤j≤mri,j={ri,j,k∣1≤k≤l} where ri,j is the set of all intra-array replicates of the jth peptide of Ai t←1 while (t≤m) do rand← a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1 if rand≤θ then abct←∑k=1lFxt,k−Bxt,kl if abct≤0 then v=abctT w=abct×T else v=T×abct w=abctT end if if (there is a ri,j∈R where the mean of ri,j is not statistically bigger than v and not statistically less than w, considering a significance level of α) then yt←ri,j else yt←xt end if else if (there is a ri,j∈R where the mean of ri,j is not significantly different from the mean of xt, considering a significance level of α) then yt←ri,j else yt←xt end if end if t←t+1 end while return Y