Our procedure to synthesize kinome arrays is described in technical detail in Algorithm 1 as the basis for rapid implementation. In the algorithm, {A1,⋯,An} is a set of n peptide arrays, each containing m peptides and l within-array technical replicates for each peptide; X is a peptide array and is denoted by X={xj∣1≤j≤m}; T is a threshold value for determining significant fold-change; θ is a percentage of noisy peptides; and α is a preferred statistical significance level. Each run of Algorithm 1 synthesizes an inter-array technical replicate of X; i.e., an array with no differentially phosphorylated peptides when compared to X. That is, Algorithm 1 treats array X as a template, and produces inter-array replicates for it. The produced array is Y={yj∣1≤j≤m}. In order to synthesize q inter-array technical replicates of X, the procedure is performed q times.