microarrays-04-00255-t004_Table 4 Table 4 Algorithm enhanced with NSEx and NSEv: qualitative results compared to SC+NSEx and SC only. AUROC and AUPR values obtained after 10 runs with each algorithm are shown, together with standard deviations for subsets of 9 runs in parentheses (see Section 2.3). Variants are SC (time series only, without integration of additional data), SC+NSEx.ALL (using all data for NSEx), SC+NSEx.ALL+NSEv.ALL (using all data for both NSEx and NSEv) and SC+NSEx.ALL+NSEv.BSA (using all data for NSEx, but BSA only for NSEv). Integrating all data at the evaluation stage decreases the quality of interactions compared to those obtained with NSEx. Use of BSA alone for evaluation yields betterĀ results.