microarrays-04-00255-t003_Table 3 Table 3 Algorithm incorporating NSEx. Qualitative results: AUROC and AUPR values obtained after 10 runs with each algorithm and, in parentheses, standard deviations for subsets of 9 runs (see Section 2.3 for details on how these were computed). Variants: SC (SC time series only, without integration of additional data), SC+NSEx.KO (using knock-out experiments for NSEx), SC+NSEx.GO (using GO annotations for NSEx), SC+NSEx.BSA (using binding site affinities for NSEx), SC+NSEx.CORR (using gene-correlations for NSEx) and SC+NSEx.ALL (using all data for NSEx). For additional datasets, BSA followed by KO lead to improved sets of interactions, while CORR affects selection adversely. However, the combined effect of all data types provides optimal inference of the interaction set.