2.3. Analysis Given the different integration mechanisms available in EGIA, we performed an analysis of possibilities for data integration. The aim here was to evaluate at which stage each dataset is most useful, in order to provide an optimised strategy for integration. Models obtained were evaluated both qualitatively (the topological structure of the GRN, i.e., pairwise transcriptional interactions) and quantitatively (the ability to reproduce the evolution of gene expression levels over time). Qualitatively, the AUROC (area under the ROC curve) and AUPR (area under the precision-recall curve) [46] are computed, using the set of known transcriptional interactions from the DROID data as the gold standard. Given that our algorithm is stochastic in nature and the model quantitative, predictions of interactions have been performed by using multiple models (obtained in different runs) and employing a `voting procedure’ for possible interactions. In this way, an interaction that appears in more models is considered to be more plausible (this method of voting has been previously used to extract qualitative information in similar problems [47,48]). The set of possible interactions is ranked from the highest to lowest number of votes and used for AUROC/AUPR computation. To evaluate the variability of results for the models, we also computed AUROC/AUPR values for subsets of 9 models at a time and reported the standard deviation over all values. This was to enable significant comparison among data integration strategies. Quantitative evaluation of our results refers to the ability of the models to reproduce continuous levels of gene expression over time, through time series simulation. The model starts from the values of gene expression for the first time point in a time series, then evolves independently to generate a simulated series. This is compared with the original data, by computing the RMSE, which gives a quantitative evaluation of the model. In this paper, we employed a cross-validation approach, where the SC time series dataset was used for training and the DC time series for testing. Thus, we started by extracting models from the SC time series dataset, evaluating their ability to simulate quantitative gene expression levels from the DC dataset. The analysis presented here follows three stages. First, NSEx is employed alone using the available datasets to evaluate whether these are useful for this weaker integration mechanism (Section 3.1). Secondly, NSEv is added to analyse all datasets and to identify the integration scheme with the best results (Section 3.2). Using this scheme, the DC dataset, previously used for quantitative evaluation only, was included in the model extraction phase. The final model thus obtained was qualitatively evaluated only (Section 3.3), since all time series data were used as training data. Table 2 summarises, for the three different analysis stages, how each dataset was used. microarrays-04-00255-t002_Table 2 Table 2 Usage of each dataset at the different analysis stages. 3