Introduction Osteoporosis is defined as a chronic condition that is characterized by low bone mass and the micro-architectural deterioration of osseous tissue, leading to fragility. Bone mineral density (BMD) has been established as the most significant diagnostic factor for osteoporotic fracture [12]. Although more widespread in women, about 1.5 million males over the age of 65 have osteoporosis and another 3.5 million are at risk in the United States [3]. Among Korean men, the prevalence of the condition has also increased by about 7.5%, according to national health survey data [4]. Major risk factors of male osteoporosis are aging and lifestyle choices, such as smoking, alcohol, and lack of exercise [567]. Genetic factors may also play a significant role, because BMD has been observed to have similar heritability patterns in both men and women [8]. Thought to be heritable, BMD is 78% in the lumbar spine and 84% in the femoral neck [9]. Up to 100 genes, associated with BMD, have been identified to date by various genetic studies [1011]. One current meta-analysis identified 56 loci including 32 new regions associated with BMD with highly significant level [12]. The study had demonstrated several genetic loci such as myocyte enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C), zinc finger- and BTB-domain containing 40 (ZBTB40), low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5), and forkhead box L1 (FOXL1) which have been significantly replicated in Korean population in later studies [1314]. However, the influence of sex-specific genes remains unclear, because most of the research has been conducted on highly homogeneous population samples, mostly European post-menopausal women [11]. Several investigations of genetic components in male osteoporosis are available, but they rely on candidate data or produced no significant results [15]. Moreover, cases of East Asian populations as the participating demographic are largely absent from the literature or consist of replications and attempts to confirm results already derived from Caucasian samples [131416]. A recent study of a Korean group was able to newly identify several polymorphic factors, but unfortunately, it utilized BMD from the radius and tibia, which is less important in the development of bone deterioration than that of the lumbar spine and hip bone [17]. Investigating the etiology behind osteoporosis in males of East Asian descent is of high diagnostic and clinical importance. Therefore, our study aimed to evaluate the role of genetic polymorphisms in forming the BMD at the lumbar spine and femur bone in Korean men.