When developing the model, it is important to consider the decision maker, and the jurisdiction by which the decision is made. The value of input parameters may well differ between countries, and the chosen estimates should be relevant for the given society. This implies, however, that results of decision-analytic models are not directly transferable to other countries [40]. A decision model that has been developed for one country might need adaptation to support decision-making in another. While direct effects such as test accuracy may be generalizable to other settings, this may not be the case for health outcomes, resource use, and in particular, costs [41]. For example, costs are known to be proportionally lower in Europe than in the United States (U.S.) [14]. This does not necessarily imply that the conclusions of a decision model are not generalizable from Europe to the U.S. or vice versa, because the incremental costs and effects may not differ. In our example, test accuracy and health outcomes will not differ much between different countries and are easily transferrable. Costs though, both direct and indirect, may show considerable variations between countries. It is, therefore, very important that input parameters of a model are transparently described. This allows others to explore whether the inputs are relevant for their country or decision problem, and if not, how this may affect the results. It is then possible to recalculate results based on modified cost parameters. Deterministic sensitivity analyses, where parameters are changed in order to explore the impact of the parameter on the results, may also be helpful to address the issue of transferability of the results to other settings [41].