Sonochemical treatment is an emerging and efficient process that applied pyrolytic cleavages to degradation of organic compounds [42, 43]. This process is a cleaner and safe technique compared with UV, ozonation, and has the ability of operation under ambient conditions [43, 44]. However, combination of ultrasound with various processes has been detected as an economical and successful alternative for the degradation and mineralization of some recalcitrant organic compounds in aqueous solution [42]. The combination of ultrasound and persulfate (US/S2O82−) has been effective for the degradation of compounds such as; methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) [45], nitric oxide [18], 1,4-dioxane [46], arsenic(III) [44], amoxicillin [47], tetracycline [48] and dinitrotoluenes [24]. In aqueous solutions, acoustic cavitation leading to produce plasma in water and free radicals and other reactive species such as HO• and H• radicals due to the thermal degradation of water according to Reaction (1) and (2). The HO• and H• radicals can also react with PS to production of more reactive SO4-• radicals according to Reactions (3) to (7) [42, 44, 49, 50].1 H2O→))))H2Oplasma2 H2O→))))HO•+H•