Arrhenius plot can be used to calculate the Activation Energy at various temperatures by graphing ln k (rate constant) versus 1/T (kelvin). The graph between ln k and 1/T is a straight line with an intercept of ln A and the slop of the graph is equal to –Ea/R, where R is a constant equal to 8.314 J/mol-K. According with Arrhenius plot (Fig. 8), the activation energy values of 32.01 (kJ/mol) obtained for degradation of TC by S2O82−/US process. It means that for a successful reaction, the colliding molecules must have a total kinetic energy of 32.01 kJ/mol. The low activation energy indicates that the degradation of TC by S2O82−/US process is thermodynamically feasible. Fig 7 Contour and 3-D plots showing Interactive effect of pH and TC concentration (mg/L)