Fig. 1 Chi-squared automatic interaction detection classification tree for good recovery at 30 days after hospital admission. GCS M1: patients classified with a GCS motor response score of 1. GCS M2–4: patients classified with a GCS motor response score from 2 to 4. GCS M5–6: patients classified with a GCS motor response score of 5 or higher. GCS M2–4 and MTH+: patients classified with a GCS motor response score from 2 to 4 and treated with MTH. GCS M2–4 and MTH−: patients classified with a GCS motor response score from 2 to 4 and treated without MTH. GCS M2 and MTH−: patients classified with a GCS motor response score of 1 and treated without MTH. GCS M3–4 and MTH−: patients classified with a GCS motor response score from 3 to 4 and treated without MTH