As for SNAREs, regulating levels of Rabs has been shown to rescue Golgi fragmentation in multiple in vitro models of AD and PD. For example, overexpression of Rab1 can rescue Golgi fragmentation while reduced expression of Rab2 has the same affect in PD models which demonstrates the delicate balance in the regulatory functions of Golgi-associated Rabs (Rendón et al., 2013). Overexpression of Rab1 was shown to be neuroprotective in Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster and primary rat neuron cultures (Cooper et al., 2006; Gitler et al., 2008). Rab1 is a key protein in maintaining Golgi architecture and function (Haas et al., 2007). It can also promote the restoration of ER-to-Golgi trafficking and thus afford rescue from the neurotoxic effects of α-synuclein (Cooper et al., 2006; Gitler et al., 2008).