Endoscopy records We retrieved all available endoscopy reports since the inception of the unit from 1977 to 2014. Reports for all endoscopy procedures from 1977 to 2009 were written by hand on proformas, and have been kept together. From 2009, records were entered on computer, but paper copies of all entries are printed off and kept with the older written records to avoid loss of data in the event of computer breakdown. The hand-written records comprise a wide range of free text entries, in contrast to which the computerised entries are largely pre-coded. Written records were missing for the whole year 1986, and for the period April-December 2008; endoscopies were performed over these periods, but the records could not be found. Records were entered into Excel spread sheets by five people, with verbatim entry of free text for all clinical fields. No names were entered. Identification of endoscopist signatures was verified by one of the nurses (SM) who had been in charge of the unit from 1985 to 2012. The free text in all written records was then transferred into Stata 13 (Stata Corp, College Station, TX) and coded by two experienced endoscopists (PK and VK). The University of Zambia Biomedical Research Ethics Committee granted exemption from ethics review for publication of this retrospective analysis on 22nd January, 2015; consent was not obtained for this from patients in view of the 40-year time span, and this was considered when the waiver was obtained.