The methylation-profile scores derived from the MWAS analysis in the LBC individuals did not explain any variation (adjusted R2 = −0.001) in the sex- and age-adjusted BMI phenotype from the BSGS cohort, whereas that derived from the mostly middle-aged individuals of the LifeLines DEEP study explained 3.6% (p value = 8 × 10−5; Figure 2). Methylation scores based on the CpG probes identified in the larger Framingham MWAS but weighted with effect sizes from the older LBC individuals explained 3.0% of the variation in BMI in adolescent individuals. Based on the same CpG probes but effect sizes derived from the younger, albeit smaller, LifeLines DEEP cohort, the methylation-profile scores explained almost twice (5.4%) the variation in BMI in adolescent individuals (Figure 2).