The height methylation-profile scores were associated with height and explained 0.31% and 0.76% (p value = 0.02 and 0.01 of the variation in the LBCs and LifeLines DEEP cohort, respectively). The height genetic-profile scores explained 18.5% and 19.8% (p value < 1 × 10−15) of the inter-individual variation in the height phenotype in the LBCs and LifeLines DEEP cohort, respectively (Figure 1). The additive model including both methylation- and genetic-profile scores explained 18.5% and 20.1% of the variation in the height phenotype in the LBCs and LifeLines DEEP cohort, respectively. However, the methylation-profile score showed no independent association in the LBCs (p = 0.16) and remained only marginally associated (p = 0.035) with the height phenotype independently of the genetic-profile score in the LifeLines DEEP cohort.