The CF application involves association studies of an averaged lung function measure, forced expiratory volume in 1 s, adjusted for sex, age, height, and mortality, and normalized (SaKnorm),24 using data from the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Gene Modifier Study (CGS).25 To reduce the duration of heterogeneous environmental exposures that were not measured, and recognizing that age can serve as a surrogate for these exposures, we19 previously restricted our (location-only) analysis to lung function measures from pediatric ages (<18 years, n = 815 subjects from 753 unique families), analyzing eight SNPs in three genes, SLC9A3 (MIM: 182307), SLC6A14 (MIM: 300444), and SLC26A9 (MIM: 608481), previously identified as associated with meconium ileus in a hypothesis-driven GWAS (GWAS-HD).5 This approach involved a 46% reduction in sample size, and that the age restriction be fixed for all variants, despite the possibility that the optimal exposure (here, age) is gene specific. Here we re-analyzed the SNPs with the individual location-only and scale-only tests, as well as the joint JLS-Fisher, JLS-minP, LRT,17 and distribution16 tests, removing the age restriction and using the full CGS sample (n = 1,409 unrelated subjects). For comparison, the location-only analyses restricted to the pediatric population using different age cut-off points were also investigated.