Table 1 MAF Mutations Identified in Individuals with Aymé-Gripp Syndrome Subject Reference Nucleotide Change a Amino Acid Change a Protein Domain Inheritance Functional Impact (Radial SVM Score/ CADD Score) 1 (19474) 2 c.161C>T p.Ser54Leu TD De novo 1.10/16.27 2 (11-1) 1 c.172A>G p.Thr58Ala TD De novo, germline 0.83/16.07 3 (4-1) 1 c.206C>G p.Pro69Arg TD De novo, germline 0.98/15.49 4 (ICN_ICW) 5 c.173C>T p.Thr58Ile TD Not availableb 0.93/15.38 5 (14-1) 4 c.176C>A p.Pro59His TD De novo 1.10/17.69 5 (10-1) p.s. c.176C>T p.Pro59Leu TD De novo 0.98/9.08 7 (962112) p.s. c.185C>G p.Thr62Arg TD De novo 1.10/17.88 8 (CaGi_UCSC) p.s. c.161C>T p.Ser54Leu TD De novo, germline 1.10/16.27 p.s., present study; TD, transactivation domain. a Nucleotide and amino acid positions refer to transcript variant 1 and protein isoform a (longer isoform) (NM_005360.4, NP_005351.2). b Parental DNAs were not available for molecular analyses.