Define mj and mj′ as the number of control-parent trios with genotype data for each cell j for not phased and phased data, respectively, and Mj=mj+mj′ as the total of control-parent trios with diseased children for cell j. Furthermore, define r′ as the probability of a control-parent trio being phased, assuming independence with the genotypes. As before, referring to Table 2 in Ainsworth et al,20 we obtain∏i∈notdiseased,phasedP(gmi,gfi,gci|θ,disi=0,Ψi=1)P(Ψi=1|disi=0)=[r′μ1]m1′×…×[r′μ4]m8′×[r′μ4]m9a′×[r′μ4]m9b′×[r′μ4]m10′×…×[r′μ6]m15′.