Introduction Parent-of-origin effects relate to the situation where traits are influenced by the allele inherited from only one parent (e.g., the mother), with the allele from the other parent (e.g., the father) having little or no effect. More generally, parent-of-origin effects can be defined as effects where the alleles inherited from the different parents have differing effects on some phenotype of interest. This phenomenon is not the same as a direct effect of maternal genotype. A maternal-genotype effect occurs when an offspring’s phenotype is altered (perhaps in utero) by the maternal genotype, regardless of the allele actually transmitted to the child. One biological mechanism that can lead to parent-of-origin effects is genomic imprinting, the phenomenon whereby either the maternally or the paternally inherited allele is expressed, while the other allele is silenced. The mechanisms underlying imprinting are not yet fully understood, but are believed to involve epigenetic processes including histone acetylation and DNA methylation.1 Parent-of-origin effects due to genomic imprinting (or due to interactions with imprinted loci) have been observed for multiple traits in outbred mice.2 In humans, parent-of-origin effects have been observed at known imprinted regions for a variety of phenotypes,3 including chromosome 14q32 in type 1 diabetes,4 chromosome 7q32 in type 2 diabetes,5 and chromosome 11p15 in breast cancer.5 Parent-of-origin effects have also been observed on chromosomes 5p13 and 14q12 in relation to specific language impairment (SLI)6 and at the filaggrin gene (FLG [MIM: 135940]) on chromosome 1q21 in relation to childhood atopic dermatitis7 (although this FLG effect was interpreted as being most likely due to a direct effect of maternal genotype, rather than to differing effects of the alleles inherited from the different parents). Experimental studies investigating potential parent-of-origin effects detected at COL2A1 (MIM: 120140) and ABCA4 (MIM: 601691) in children with congenital toxoplaxmosis8 showed isoform-specific epigenetic modifications consistent with imprinting in both COL2A1 and ABCA4. A variety of statistical methods have been used for the detection and estimation of parent-of-origin effects in humans. We focus here on methods designed for binary (disease) traits, rather than on methods that have been developed for the analysis of quantitative traits.9–12 A review of the most popular currently used approaches is given by Connolly and Heron.13 One intuitive approach, available in the software package PLINK,14 is to use an adaptation of the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT),15 whereby transmissions and non-transmissions of an allele of interest to an affected offspring are stratified according to parental origin. However, such TDT-like approaches generally have the disadvantage of discarding observations in which both parents and offspring are heterozygous (given that parental origin cannot be assigned in this case), of erroneously assuming the transmissions from two heterozygous parents are independent (which is not true in the presence of child-genotype effects16), and of being sensitive to (i.e., invalid in the presence of) maternal-genotype effects. In an Icelandic study, Kong et al.5 used a case-control version of this TDT-like approach and overcame these limitations by performing long-range phasing of SNP data to infer haplotypes and comparing the resulting haplotypes with those present in the closest relatives on the paternal and maternal sides (considered as “surrogate parents”) in order to infer parent of origin; they also excluded the possibility of maternal-genotype effects by evaluating the effects of the non-transmitted maternal alleles. Provided one is willing to assume an absence of maternal-genotype effects, valid parent-of-origin tests include the transmission asymmetry test (TAT),17 the (generally more powerful)13 parental asymmetry test (PAT),16 and the parent-of-origin-effects test statistic (POET).18 If one is not willing to make this somewhat restrictive assumption, likelihood ratio tests based on more complex log-linear,17 logistic,16 conditional logistic,19 or multinomial20 models are generally considered preferable.13 (Such approaches can also be implemented under the assumption of no maternal-genotype effects, to increase power, if desired.) A variety of software implementations for fitting these more complex models exists; Connolly and Heron13 recommend the use of our own software suite, PREMIM and EMIM,20,21 over other alternatives, on account of its ease of use for genome-wide data and generally high power for detection of parent-of-origin effects (even in the presence of other effects, such as those due to child or maternal genotype) while maintaining appropriate type I error rates. An additional attraction of PREMIM and EMIM is their ability to deal with data from either case-mother or case-father duos or case-parent trios, along with additional child and parent genotype data (such as that from individual case and control subjects or parents of case and control subjects) included when available. This allows the incorporation of families in which one (or more) individuals within a trio are missing, making maximum use of all available information. Most existing methods for investigating parent-of-origin effects operate on a SNP-by-SNP basis, and each SNP is analyzed individually. When an ambiguous configuration with respect to parental origin is encountered at a SNP (such as observations in which both parents and an offspring are heterozygous), then either some sort of “averaging” over the possible parental transmissions is performed or else these ambiguous observations are discarded. In theory, greater information regarding parental origin could be obtained by considering several nearby SNPs simultaneously, as was done in the long-range phasing approach employed in the Icelandic study.5 Extensions to the PAT that take into account haplotypes of multiple tightly linked SNPs22,23 have demonstrated that increased power can indeed be obtained through this strategy, but these extensions suffer from the same problem as the original PAT of being sensitive to the presence of maternal-genotype effects. Gjessing and Lie24 present an extension to the log-linear modeling approach17 that models the effects of haplotypes defined by alleles at several nearby SNPs. Their extension is implemented in the software package HAPLIN. As pointed out by Shi et al.,25 estimation of risks for all haplotypes, as done by HAPLIN, becomes rapidly intractable with more than a few SNPs, on account of the fact that the number of possible haplotypes (and thus parameters to estimate) grows exponentially with the number of SNPs. Shi et al.25 propose their own haplotype-based extension to the log-linear modeling approach that uses the HAPLORE program26 to perform the initial haplotype estimation (phasing) step. Shi et al. achieve higher computational efficiency than Gjessing and Lie by focusing on candidate haplotypes that are nominated a priori based on prior knowledge. Although computationally convenient, this thus represents a somewhat restricted application. Modification of haplotype effects according to parental origin has also been incorporated in the UNPHASED software.27 However, UNPHASED, like HAPLIN, is limited (for computational reasons) to haplotypes comprised of no more than about five or six SNPs, meaning that a genome-wide analysis would need to be performed through repeated phasing across small sliding windows of haplotypes, a procedure that is both operationally and computationally inconvenient. The issue of haplotype estimation (phasing) is by now quite well-studied in human genetics. Estimated haplotypes are routinely used for a variety of downstream analyses, including estimation of recombination rates,28 measurement of linkage disequilibrium,29 and genotype imputation.30 This desire to construct (potentially long-range) haplotypes, given unphased genotype data, has resulted in the development of a variety of software packages that can efficiently perform haplotype estimation on a chromosome-wide scale. Arguably one of the most competitive among these is the package SHAPEIT2,31,32 which has been found to outperform most other methods in terms of switch error rate and high computational efficiency.32 Although designed primarily for the analysis of unrelated individuals, SHAPEIT2 also has the advantage of being able to handle case-parent trios and duos. (These situations impose constraints on the configurations of possible haplotypes that are consistent within a duo or trio.) Given the availability of such a convenient software implementation for haploype phasing (in the form of SHAPEIT2), we sought to update our software suite, PREMIM and EMIM, to make use of haplotypes estimated with SHAPEIT2, in order to provide improved power for detection of parent-of-origin effects. Here, we present an overview and evaluation of our improved method, which has been incorporated into our freely available software package PREMIM and EMIM.21