Thirty-six-week-old male human apoB Tg. SHR-cp/cp rats showed significantly increased urinary KIM1 levels compared with non-Tg. SHR-cp/cp rats. KIM1 is a type I transmembrane structural glycoprotein located in the renal proximal tubular epithelia. These cells undergo regeneration after various forms of injury and shed KIM1 antigen into the urine. Thus urinary KIM1 could be a specific biomarker for renal tubular injury. Actually, increased urinary KIM1 is an independent predictor of long-term renal graft loss and is also elevated in human proteinuric CKD [24, 25]. Male human apoB Tg. SHR-cp/cp rats also showed significantly increased Spp1 mRNA expression levels in the renal cortex, compared with non-Tg. SHR-cp/cp rats. SPP1 is a pleiotropic cytokine that is broadly expressed and upregulated during inflammation. Gene expression studies showed that higher Spp1 levels correlate with more severe diabetic albuminuria and glomerulosclerosis in diabetic nephropathy models [21]. Spp1 expression is induced in several models of tubulointerstitial disease [27]. In addition, inducible expression of Spp1 in the tubular epithelium seems to be associated with interstitial monocyte infiltration and subsequent tubulointerstitial changes in some forms of human renal disease [15]. These changes in injury markers in human apoB Tg. SHR-cp/cp rats were consistent with histological changes of glomeruli and tubulointerstitial area in human apoB Tg. SHR-cp/cp rats.