Fig. 3. Representative light micrographs of H&E- (A-D), PAM- (E-H), and Oil Red O-stained (I, J) kidney sections from 36-week-old human apoB Tg. SHR-cp/cp (A, E, I), non-Tg. SHR-cp/cp (B, F, J), human apoB Tg. SHR-+/+ (C, G), and non-Tg. SHR-+/+ rats (D, H). Filled circles indicate hyaline casts. Arrows indicate dilated tubules. In the sections stained with Oil Red O (I, J), lipid droplets appeared as red spots and indicate the accumulation of neutral lipids in the glomeruli. K: The glomerulosclerosis score of the rats is shown. The number of rats is shown in parentheses. Values are shown as the mean ± SEM. Bars=100 μm. The asterisks indicate a significant difference at ††P<0.01 compared with the human apoB Tg. SHR-cp/cp rats.