Table 1 Sociodemographic distribution of all survey participants, the total Korean population, and of cases identified as migraine and restless legs syndrome Sample number Total population p-value Migraine Restless legs syndrome N (%) N (%) N (% , 95 % CI) N (% , 95 % CI) Gender Men 1345 (49.3a) 16,357,919 (50.6) 0.42b 36 2.7, 1.8–3.5 56 4.1, 3.0–5.1 Women 1350 (50.7a) 15,998,828 (49.4) 107 7.9, 6.5–9.4 86 6.4, 5.1–7.7 Age 19–29 542 (20.5a) 7,179,648 (22.2) 0.76b 25 4.5, 2.8–6.2 12 2.2, 1.0–3.4 30–39 604 (21.9a) 7,767,141 (24.0) 42 7.0, 5.0–9.1 34 5.6, 3.7–7.4 40–49 611 (23.1a) 8,012,377 (24.8) 39 6.5, 4.5–8.4 20 3.3, 1.9–4.7 50–59 529 (18.9a) 5,737,344 (17.7) 22 4.1, 2.4–5.9 35 6.5, 4.4–8.7 60–69 409 (15.6a) 3,660,237 (11.3) 15 3.9, 2.0–5.7 41 10.2, 7.3–13.1 Size of residential area Large city 1,248 (46.3a) 1,5606,652 (48.2) 0.92b 76 6.1, 4.8–7.5 66 5.3, 4.1–6.5 Medium-to-small city 1,186 (44.0a) 1,4106,687 (43.6) 48 4.0, 2.9–5.1 58 4.9, 3.7–6.1 Rural area 261 (9.7a) 264,307 (8.2) 19 7.4, 4.2–10.6 18 6.8, 3.7–9.8 Educational level Middle school or less 393 (14.9a) 6,147,782 (19.0) 0.75b 22 5.5, 3.3–7.7 41 10.5, 7.5–13.5 High school 1,208 (44.5a) 14,172,255 (43.8) 60 5.0, 3.8–6.3 62 5.1, 3.8–6.3 College or more 1,068 (39.6a) 1,2036,710 (37.2) 60 5.6, 4.3–7.0 38 3.6, 2.5–4.7 Total 2,695 (100.0a) 32,356,747 (100.0) 143 5.3, 4.5–6.2 142 5.3, 4.4–6.1 CI confidence interval aAdjusted after age, gender, size of residential area and educational level bCompared gender, age group, size of residential area, and educational level distributions between the sample of the present study and total population of Korea