Momentum conservation2 ∂ρUi∂t+∂ρUiUj∂Xi=∂p∂Xi+ρ∂∂Xjv∂Ui∂Xi+∂Ui∂Xi−∂Ui′Ui′∂Xj+SMiWhere Ui is velocity along i, i = 1, 2, 3, Xi is x, y, z coordinates along i, Y mass fraction of gas emissions, ρ air density, υ kinematic viscosity, Ui turbulent velocity component along i’ and SMi is the momentum source along i’.As mentioned previously, since the Reynolds removal process and time-averaged equations will lead to unknown relationships for fluctuating velocity components, so a turbulent model is also needed. Thus, the k-ε model was used. This model requires the solution of two additional transport equations, one for turbulent kinetic energy, k and the other for its dissipation rate or ε [24]:3 ∂∂xiρuik=∂∂xiμ+μtδk∂k∂xi+P−ρε4 ∂∂xiρuiε=∂∂xiμ+μtδε∂ε∂xi+C1εkP−C2ρε2k