Suppressor screens Primary screen: mua-3(uy19) were collected at the L4 stage and were randomly mutagenized with ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) (Brenner 1974). Po animals were plated onto E. coli HB101 seeded plates and moved to 15°. F1 progeny were synchronized and remained at 15°. The homozygous F2 generation was synchronized and moved to 25°. The surviving animals were isolated. Secondary screen: Individual suppressors of the mua-3 mutant lethality were isolated and moved to individual plates at the restrictive temperature, 25°. Sterile animals and escapers (animals that produced more than 90% of nonviable progeny) were removed. A total of 20 F2s passed the secondary screen and were used to found lines maintained at 25°. Complementation test for Dpy suppressors: Unidentified suppressor hermaphrodites were crossed with wild-type males. The F1 progeny males were crossed with an alternate unidentified suppressor. The F1 progeny of this cross were counted to calculate the percentage of Dpy. The percentage of males in the population was also counted to determine whether Dpy progeny were from cross-fertilization or self-fertilization. If 50% of the progeny were Dpy, then suppressors failed to complement each other.