Supplementary material The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: Supplementary data sheet 1 Gene expression comparisons between different pallial regions of the mouse brain. (A) List of the first 500 genes enriched in neocortical layer II/III, neocortical layer IV, neocortical layer V/VI, piriform cortex, cortical subplate, and subiculum in respect to the rest of the gray matter (contrast structure gray). For each gene the fold change in respect to gray matter calculated by the allen brain atlas is indicated. (B) Percentage of sharing, number and lists of genes shared by the selected pallial regions. (C) Number and Lists of genes selectively shared by Piriform cortex (PC) and neocortical layers V/VI and by PC and neocortical layers II/III. For each gene a manually evaluated estimate of the level of preferential labeling is indicated by crosses ranging from 0 (low specificity) to 4 (high specificity). A color code is additionally used to indicate high specificity (yellow) medium to low specificity (pink) or absence of any evident specificity (blue). Click here for additional data file. Click here for additional data file.