Let Wm∈ℝn×n(m∈{1,2,…,M}) be a weight matrix corresponding to the m-th individual functional association network. Each node of a network corresponds to one of the n proteins, and the entry Wi,jm≥0 is the association (similarity, or reliability of interaction) between proteins i and j in the m-th data source. Among the n proteins, the first l proteins have confirmed annotation, and the functional annotation of the remaining u = n - l proteins needs to be predicted. These annotated proteins have C distinct functions, and each annotated protein has a subset of the C functions. Each of these C functions corresponds to a Gene Ontology (GO) term in one of the three sub-branches (Biological Process, Molecular Function, Cellular Component) of the GO [30]. The functions of the i-th protein is represented as a label vector yi ∈ {0|1}C, where yic = 1 if the i-th protein is confirmed to have the c-th function, otherwise, yic = 0. For an unlabeled protein j, yjc = 0 (l