Additional files Additional file 1 Appendix I. Derivation of p 1-model for directed network. Additional file 2 Table S1. All 11,515 drug-resistant gene-pairs found in GSE38376. Additional file 3 Table S2. All 1,083 (841 distinct) cross-talks found between EGFR and other 23 signaling pathways from Reactome database. Additional file 4 Table S3. All 2,179 (1,050 distinct) cross-talks found between ErbB and other 34 signaling pathways from KEGG database. Additional file 5 Table S4. All 3,084 (876 distinct) cross-talks found between ErbB and other 62 signaling pathways from WikiPathway database. Additional file 6 Table S5. 104 drug-resistant cross-talks found between EGFR and other 23 signaling pathways from Reactome database [GSE38376]. Additional file 7 Table S6. 188 drug-resistant cross-talks found between ErbB and other 34 signaling pathways from KEGG database [GSE38376]. Additional file 8 Table S7. 299 drug-resistant cross-talks found between ErbB and other 62 signaling pathways from WikiPathway database [GSE38376]. Additional file 9 Table S8. 168 selected cross-talks which associated EGFR (or ErbB) signaling pathways with 6 other signaling pathways that were found in at least two different pathway analyses (i.e. Reactome and KEGG, or KEGG and WikiPathway, or Reactome and WikiPathway) [GSE38376]. Additional file 10 Table S9. All 10,811 drug-resistant gene-pairs found in GSE16179. Additional file 11 Table S10. 83 drug-resistant cross-talks found between EGFR and other 23 signaling pathways from Reactome database [GSE16179]. Additional file 12 Table S11. 133 drug-resistant cross-talks found between ErbB and other 34 signaling pathways from KEGG database [GSE16179]. Additional file 13 Table S12. 278 drug-resistant cross-talks found between ErbB and other 62 signaling pathways from WikiPathway database [GSE16179]. Additional file 14 Table S13. 86 drug-resistant cross-talks found in all Reactome, KEGG and WikiPathway analyses where both genes in a particular cross-talk was up-regulated in resistant conditions but down-regulated in parental conditions [GSE16179]. Additional file 15 Table S14. 401 cross-talks from Reactome, KEGG and WikiPathway analyses where the genes are dysregulated in parental treatment vs parental basal condition, and reversely changed in resistant basal + resistant treatment vs parental basal condition [GSE16179].