Table 3 Comparative results between primary dataset (SKBR3 cell-line, GSE38376) and validation dataset (BT474 cell-line, GSE16179) Pathway name Found in Pathway source Found in Pathway source Common cross-talks in both Studies ¶ (GSE38376) (GSE16179) Notch Signaling Reactome, Reactome, MAP2K4::NOTCH1 KEGG, KEGG, WikiPathway WikiPathway GPCR signaling Reactome, Reactome, CBL::TSHR WikiPathway WikiPathway FGFR1::TSHR PDGFRA::GNAQ KIT::TSHR LCK::TSHR MDM2::TSHR PDGFRA::TSHR WNT Signaling Reactome, Reactome, AKT2::CCND2 KEGG, KEGG, MAP2K4::CCND2 WikiPathway WikiPathway MAP2K4::TP53 MDM2::MAP2K4 Insulin (IGF1R) Signaling Reactome, Reactome, MDM2::MAP2K4 WikiPathway WikiPathway TP53::MAP2K4 TGF- β Signaling Reactome, Reactome, MDM2::TFE3 WikiPathway KEGG, TP53::TFE3 WikiPathway MAPK signaling KEGG, KEGG, MDM2::MAP2K4 WikiPathway WikiPathway ¶These common cross-talks were found using the primary dataset (104, 188 and 299 cross-talks from Reactome, KEGG and WikiPathway databases, respectively) and validation datasets (83, 133 and 277 cross-talks from Reactome, KEGG and WikiPathway databases, respectively). Cross-talks mentioned with Bold face are those consistent with our hypothesis that both genes in the particular cross-talk are up-regulated in resistant conditions but down-regulated in parental conditions.