Table 1 Primary findings from the analyses using signaling pathways from Reactome, KEGG and WikiPathway in breast cancer cell-line: SKBR3 (GSE38376) Pathway # of signaling Pathway of All Distinct All putative Distinct # of other source pathways interest Cross-talks gene-pairs § drug-resistant gene-pairs ¶ signaling of interest cross-talks pathways REACTOME 23 EGFR 1,083 841 104 97 13 KEGG 35 ErbB 2,179 1,050 188 99 26 WikiPathway 63 ErbB 3,084 876 299 96 51 ¶Number of distinct gene-pairs involved in all EGFR/ErbB cross-talks with all other signaling pathways; §Number of distinct gene-pairs commonly involved in all EGFR/ErbB cross-talks and drug resistance.