Dataset A global gene expression (GE) dataset (GSE38376) from 1) cells sensitive to lapatinib (said to be under "parental conditions") and 2) cells with acquired resistance to lapatinib was obtained from Komurov et al. [17]. Expression values were measured using Illumina HumanHT-12 V3.0 expression beadchip (GPL6947). Samples include SKBR3 parental and resistant (SKBR3-R) each under basal conditions and in response to 0.1 μM and 1 μM lapatinib after 24 hours, where the resistant cell line variant (SKBR3-R) showed 100-fold more resistance to lapatinib treatment than the parental SKBR3 cell line, as reported by Komurov et al. [17]. These gene expression datasets used probe-level annotation, which we converted into gene-level annotation. To obtain gene-level GE values, probes were mapped to gene symbols using the corresponding annotation file (GPL6947). While mapping, the average GE values were calculated across all probes if the same gene symbol was annotated to multiple probes. Two GE data matrices were constructed for parental SKBR3 cell lines and resistant SKBR3-R cell lines, respectively, where rows were labelled with gene symbols and columns were labelled with different treatment conditions (0, 0.1 μM and 1 μM of lapatinib).