In model iCY1106, acetyl-CoA can be consumed by amino acid synthesis, amino sugar metabolism and fatty acid synthesis as well as ARA production (Additional file 5b). During the synthesis of six amino acids (threonine, methionine, lysine, cysteine, ornithine, and leucine), acetyl-CoA was required. FBA results showed that during the growth stage, 96.5% of the acetyl-CoA flux was used to synthesize fatty acids and 2.58% was used for amino acid synthesis. In contrast, during the product synthesis stage, the flux of acetyl-CoA used for fatty acid synthesis accounted for 99.52%, which indicates that amino acid synthesis was inhibited during ARA production. Limiting the nitrogen source can be an effective strategy to control amino acids biosynthesis [38], in which the lipid yield may be increased despite decreases in mycelia concentration.