3.2.2 Happy To happy faces, the adolescents with ASD again showed early left-sided activity in the left middle temporal area (75–175 ms), and left angular (100–175 ms) and supramarginal gyri (150–200 ms). The left inferior temporal region also showed greater activation (275–325 ms) in the ASD group. Otherwise, there was extensive, greater activity in the control adolescents, almost entirely in the right hemisphere. The right inferior temporal gyrus showed sustained greater activity from 150 to 400 ms, with the middle temporal region more active from 225 to 275 ms. To the happy faces, controls also had greater activity than the ASD group in the right ACC (100–150 ms; Fig. 2D), supramarginal (150–200 ms) and angular (225–325 ms) gyri, in the superior, middle and inferior frontal areas between 200 and 400 ms, all in the right hemisphere, and in the right PCC (200–250 ms; 350–400 ms; Fig. 2E, Fig. 2F). The only left hemisphere regions with greater activation in the controls were in the left superior medial (100–150 ms) and orbital frontal cortices (150–200 ms) and in the left insula (350–400 ms; Fig. 2F).